Animal Rights Organizations

Bird in United StatesIn the United States, where DSF is based, much of the Foundation’s energy is focused upon two sanctuaries for domestic and wild species in California. These encompass approximately 1,000 acres. DSF is also engaged in a number of exciting educational and research initiatives and partnerships throughout the country.

The underlying thrust of… Continue reading

International Animal Protection Programs

Because Dancing Star Foundation is an Operating Foundation, operating its own sanctuaries, it is able to provide very few grants and accepts no unsolicited grant proposals.

Donkey BookIn past years, however, the Foundation has on occasion given modest grants and donations as contributions to other non-profit entities that are making extraordinary strides to help… Continue reading

Protected Areas in Thailand

Buddha Sculpture in Thailand PalaceWat Phra Keo, the King’s Grand Palace in Bangkok, with its famed Emerald Buddha sculpture, provides a haunting window on the challenges facing Thai ecologists. Near this epicenter of international and domestic Buddhist pilgrimage is the Chactuchak Market, notorious for being a center of the illegal wildlife trade.

While there are… Continue reading

Treatment of Cows in England and Scotland

Mad Cowboy DVDDSF filmed extensively throughout England and Scotland for its feature documentary, “Mad Cowboy”, beginning at Hastings, where host, Howard Lyman’s ancestors arrived over nine hundred years ago to engage in a grim battle wielding sword and spear. Today’s battles, says Howard, are waged with a fork.

In tracking the… Continue reading