Wildlife sanctuary compared to domestic sanctuary

Donkey in CaliforniaAs a metaphor for the larger world of species at risk, Dancing Star Foundation’s animal sanctuaries in California are — like so many sanctuaries around the world — focused upon the very serious realities of marginalized “domesticated” and “wild” individuals whose lives have been haunted by the ways of the world. All… Continue reading

Sanctuaries in France: Brigitte Bardot Foundation

FBB (Fondation Brigitte Bardot) is the leading animal protection NGO in France, with its own sanctuary in Normandy, Mare Azou, and alliances throughout the world to which FBB lends its considerable expertise and resources, to protect animals from exploitation and cruelty: from beagles in Croatia to Baby Harp Seals in Canada… Continue reading

Gut Aiderbichl Farm Animal Sanctuary in Austria

Salzburg is not only the birthplace of Mozart, but of Gut Aiderbichl, a paradise for animals. This extraordinary sanctuary is the brainchild of Michael Aufhauser, Austria and Germany’s own Doctor Dolittle. Visitors arrive at the complex of gorgeous chalets only to be nudged into considerable interspecies camaraderie with the hundreds of rescued… Continue reading